CorelMOSAIC! is a visual file management tool that allows you to catalogue and archive a variety of different types of files, including PICTs, GIFs, TIFFs, Quicktime Movies, Fonts, PhotoCD files, and more. The Standalone version of CorelMOSAIC! does not allow you to use CorelDRAW files.
Ñ Installation
- CorelMOSAIC requires a Macintosh with a 68020 or higher, running Color Quickdraw.
Also required are System 7.0.1Ñ or System 7.1. If you have System 7.0.1Ñ and want
to use the Corel Converter file filters, you must have Quicktime installed also.
Installing CorelMOSAIC is easy. Just follow these steps:
- Drag the CorelMOSAIC! application from your Installation Disk to your hard drive
- Drag the contents of the CorelMOSAIC! Extentions folder into your System Folder.
The system will ask you to confirm that you want these Extensions inside your
System Folder's Extensions folder; just click OK.
- Reboot your System to take immediate advantage of your CorelMOSAIC! extensions.
That's all there is to it!
Ñ CorelMOSAIC Basics
- Read the document CorelMOSAIC Basics to get a better understanding of what
CorelMOSAIC does and how it does it.
Ñ Notes
- If you have previous versions of the CorelConverter Extensions, you should replace
them with the later versions supplied on the Installation Disk.
- If you have Stuffit¬, and the Stuffit¬ Engine is already in your Extensions folder,
you don't need to add the Minimal Stuffit¬ Engine found in the CorelMOSAIC!
Extensions folder.
- If you use the Norton/Symantec Directory Assistance extension, or other similar
software such as Boomerang, you should turn it off. At present there is a possible
conflict between CorelMOSAIC and software of this kind.
- The TIFF importer requires that there be enough memory to hold the entire TIFF file
in memory when trying to create a thumbnail. If you need to create thumbnails for
large TIFF files, increase the memory partition size for CorelMOSAIC by using the
Finder's Get Info command. Large TIFF files are for example created when exporting
PhotoCD files at resolutions greater than 1024 x 768.
- The EPS/AI importer requires that Adobe Type Manager be installed for files that
include text. If ATM is not installed, the text will not appear in the file preview.
- Compressing files requires significant amounts of memory. It is unwise to try to
compress a Quicktime Movie or a PhotoCD file into a Library, because (a) there will
be very little or no space saved since these kinds of files are already compressed,
and (b) unless the CorelMOSAIC partition is > 10 Megabytes it is unlikely that they